We bring more sizzle to companies
What we do
People who thrive in organizations make incredible things happen. We believe that better, more sustainable results are possible. This can happen when everyone contributes with sparkling eyes and from a place of positive self-awareness.
We help make eyes sparkle. Increase positive self-awareness. And take the step to more often make that valuable contribution. A person, leader, team, or organization that does not necessarily want to be the best in the world, but the best for the world, is in the right place with us.

For leaders and professionals who want to create a positive impact more often.

For teams that want to fully realize their potential and optimally contribute to their environment.

For organizations that want to be agile, result-oriented, energized and engaged.
Only when you thrive,
you can help others thrive

- Learn to know and strengthen yourself and your leadership
- Inspire others to achieve extraordinary results
- Make your organization more connected, more human, and better aligned

Leaders who thrive make incredible things happen
They inspire others beyond their own interests and needs to achieve higher goals. They make choices to be not the best in the world but the best for the world.
Authentic, inspiring leadership comes from within
That’s why we help you understand yourself better first. And from there, develop a colorful leadership style. We challenge you to make valuable leadership choices in terms of: providing direction, developing people, and sparking results.
We are here for you:
- Custom development projects for executives, MT, middle management
- Custom development projects for newly appointed managers
- Coaching for managers
- Interactive keynotes on making leadership choices
- Strengthening your personal vitality in our open online program Personal Thrivability: for those committed to thriving.

Teams that have sizzle can
make the difference in their organization

- Improve your focus, collaboration, and ownership
- Strengthen each other and fully utilize your potential
- Create safety, have the right conversations, and challenge each other
Teams that thrive make incredible things happen
They are agile in a challenging, changing world. They steer themselves, grow, and perform. Not to be the best in the world, but the best for the world.
We are here for you:
- Custom development projects for leadership teams and operational teams
- The Thriving Team Scan: how is your team doing? Request here.
- Support towards self-organization
- Mediation and conflict resolution
- Interactive keynotes on our view of teamwork and team spirit

More inspiration
If you want to go far, go together
How do you work on team development while still getting the work done?
Sizzling organizations make
the world more beautiful

- Boost the energy, motivation, and ownership of all colleagues
- Increase development capacity and innovation potential
- Become an agile, result-oriented, and vital organization

Organizations that thrive make incredible things happen
To thrive, you need to continuously adapt: new leadership, better collaboration, and different ways of organizing work. We believe that thriving organizations are the necessary levers for meaningful movement in the world. They don’t want to be the best in the world but the best for the world.
We are here for you:
- Strategy activation to strengthen energy, pride, and passion
- Facilitating leadership or transition teams for accelerated development
- Culture development: collaboration, trust, entrepreneurship, etc.
- Strengthening the leadership that needs to set an example
- Developing and activating winning routines and organizational principles

More inspiration
People-driven transformation
How do you increase the passion and agility of your organization and make an optimal contribution to the world?
Those who have sizzle commercially achieve
more than just a good deal

- Increase your commercial leadership and personal impact
- Learn how to add value in business, personally and sustainably
- Become a trusted and valued business partner
An advisor who thrives makes incredible things happen
That’s why we focus not only on measurable output like revenue, market share, and gross profit. But also on qualitative outcomes like new working methods, different collaboration, and improved team spirit. So that advisors can be not the best in the world but the best for the world.
We are here for you:
- Custom development projects for Commercial Excellence (trusted advisor)
- Custom development projects for practical commercial skills
- Sales Leadership program for a commercial breakthrough

More inspiration
Co-create breakthroughs to do the best for the world
As a ‘thriving’ advisor, how do you create value on multiple levels?
Executives, boards & SB’s are
uniquely positioned to create sizzle

- Get to know and strengthen yourself and your leadership
- Inspire others to achieve extraordinary results
Make your organization more connected, more human, and more aligned

Boardrooms that thrive make incredible things happen
Executives are all too often preoccupied with the operation. We invite you to shift your attention to the future. What does it take now to be there later? Bring our own sizzle to move the organization. Focus on strong collaboration in your own team. And know what personal transition that requires of you as a leader. We believe that boards that are able to take control of the future can create a meaningful movement with their organization. They don’t want to be the best in the world. They want to be the best for the world.
We are here for you:
- Deep reflection on the transition to be implemented
- Strengthening the formation of a new executive team
- Bringing the organization into motion
- Experiencing and developing collegial governance
- Longer coaching trajectories focused on leadership of the team and team members